As you can see, there’s nothing to see. We can’t have champagne every day and neither can we expect every corner of the city to be hip and happening. However, if you do wind up here, there’s no need to turn straight around. If you’re patient and appreciate the maritime spirit of Hamburg, you can experience the authentic, kitsch-free atmosphere of the port here – industrial charm before it was cool.

    Captain Cookie

    All sea routes lead to Rome! Or do they lead to Hamburg? To make sure you get to the right destination, we have embedded Google Maps on our site. For even more orientation and user-friendliness. Because whether on water or on land: Nothing works without proper maps! Of course, you can also just drift aimlessly with us.

    Captain Cookie

    All sea routes lead to Rome! Or do they lead to Hamburg? To make sure you get to the right destination, we have embedded Google Maps on our site. For even more orientation and user-friendliness. Because whether on water or on land: Nothing works without proper maps! Of course, you can also just drift aimlessly with us.

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