Perfect for real water lovers, Finkenwerder offers a very special Bäderland experience: the only swimming pool with a view of the River Elbe! If you like the idea of watching the AIDA sail past as you do your lengths, this is the place for you! We all know that exercise is healthy, and once you’ve burnt all those calories you can replace them with French fries and mayonnaise! Better still, this pool doesn’t get as busy as many others in the city.

    Captain Cookie

    All sea routes lead to Rome! Or do they lead to Hamburg? To make sure you get to the right destination, we have embedded Google Maps on our site. For even more orientation and user-friendliness. Because whether on water or on land: Nothing works without proper maps! Of course, you can also just drift aimlessly with us.

    Captain Cookie

    All sea routes lead to Rome! Or do they lead to Hamburg? To make sure you get to the right destination, we have embedded Google Maps on our site. For even more orientation and user-friendliness. Because whether on water or on land: Nothing works without proper maps! Of course, you can also just drift aimlessly with us.

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